Saturday, 3 November 2012

Game City

Yet another week has passed me and I am disappointed to say I haven't really hit my targets outlined in my last post, but I am pleased to highlight that it hasn't been a complete disaster as for one week only Game City open up some sort of festival aimed to attract the public community located on the Old Market Square in Nottingham.

Due to this I have attended various lectures from individuals already dabbling in the games industry, in order to further inspire and increase my existing knowledge. One specific area I feel has really stood out at me is story development as Outer Eden is a concept reliant on  the story element. However, by just mentioning story doesn't really hit the nail on the head, so what I have understood is that I need to come up with a logical ending in order to construct a more believable journey for consumers to enjoy. This will aid me when trying to write out the rest of my story.

Another step has been taken with my game design document in the action of showing my plan to my Tutor Robert Hoare and he has assisted me with tweaking, so I can now started working on it without any problems in the future.

That is pretty much all I have for you this week.

I can promise that my game design document will be started on next week as there aren't any events taking place for me to be distracted by

Tasks to complete:

  • Game design Documented started
  • Character Sculpting

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